Friday, May 3, 2013


Well it's officially been 4 weeks since my surgery! In those weeks I have worked my way from fluids all the way up to solid food again. I'm so excited and it has been quite the journey. I'm learning that I have more will power than I ever though I did. I'm also learning that I enjoy doing things like going out for walks and going to the park with my daughter because I have the energy to do so. It's been a huge blessing in my life.

So here are some of the accomplishments that have occurred since surgery: I'm now walking about 1 to 1.5 miles three times a week. I went to the doctor yesterday and found out since surgery date I'm down 21 Lbs and my BMI has gone from 46 to 43. I have found that I can now fit into about an XL or 18/20 in shirts. My bridesmaid dress for Brittney's wedding that didn't fit before surgery, 2 weeks after surgery it partially zipped up, and 2 weeks following that it is totally zipped up! I love it! Since the application process to now I have lost a total of 53lbs! Not only that but I'm 9Ibs away from being under 300Ibs which I haven't seen since probably my freshmen or sophomore year of high school!

This is a picture of me on my birthday last year 4/25/12 and me on my birthday this year 4/25/13!  I'm making some progress and yes I realize I'm wearing the same shirt and no that was not planned! Alrighty everyone enjoy life and stay positive!

Love ya all!
Countess of Pounds :)

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